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Suzanne Oldridge

A little about Suzanne Haney Oldridge:

From a failed teen suicide attempt to living her dream and then losing that to “living by default,” Suzanne has risen time and again, always discovering that there is more power within than she knew. Now, as a certified Transformational Life Coach, it is her passion to teach the principles that have helped her rebuild and live a life she loves, to others. She loves to advocate for people as they “design” and create a life they love living!

Suzanne knows that having a structure of support as you make changes in your life is invaluable and is a top secret for success.

About the book:

The Short Sweet and Sacred book series was first created in 2020 by Life Mastery Consultant Erin Bloom Davenborn with the intent of bringing inspiration and upliftment to folks who may be suffering the effects of the pandemic and hopelessness. It has been a #1 Best Seller with each release and this summer we are releasing book 3 in this series. Over 50 Life Coaches share personal stories of overcoming everything from cancer to abuse and more and living to thrive! Life coaches Suzanne and Tamara each have stories in this book of times in their lives where they overcame and are thriving! We would love to share our stories and the message of hope and inspiration for all.


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