Medicine Wheel Crystal Grid

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Medicine Wheel Crystal Grid

In Native American Spirituality, the Medicine Wheel represents harmony and
connections and is considered a major symbol of peaceful interaction among all living
beings on Earth.

As you sit in the center of this Medicine wheel, there are several concepts brought

First is the basis of the medicine wheel – the 4 directions- South for Courage, East for
Clarity, North for Strength and West for Heart and Mother Earth and Father Sky.
The directions are linked by the 12 astrological signs with their strengths while
incorporating the colors of the rainbow and chakras and radiating in to the center are

And to intensify the energy one can add some amazing stones and crystals within the
individual circles.

The Medicine Wheel reminds us that we need to balance all four aspects of our being –
the spiritual, emotional, physical and mental aspects. When we become out of balance,
we experience dis-ease.

To Use the Grid – You will be listening to your knowingness, otherwise referred to as
your Intuition. Choose a direction that is calling to you, sit in the center towards that
direction. Looking at the tray of crystals, place any or all of them on different circles
around you. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Focus on something
you wish to have more information about and sit now in silence to hear any messages
that may be coming your way.

Cost is $15 for 15 minutes

Try both the Medicine Wheel Grid for 15 minutes and Copper Pyramid for 15 minutes for

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