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Linda Kattan Coaching

Linda Kattan is a certified Master Practitioner of NLP, NLP Coach & Magnetic Mind Coach. She is also a trained Psychic Reader, Energy Healer & Instant Miracle Guide.

“Hi I’m Linda Kattan. As an empath and intuitive, my whole life I just knew stuff and suffered emotional and physical pain of others around me to the point that it almost killed me. That’s when I realized I was leaking energy and suffering from symptoms and pain that weren’t mine! To get control of my intuitive abilities and heal, I learn how to ground and protect my vital energy from the lower vibrating energies that I seemed to automatically attract. So, I studied and practiced energy alchemy and energy healing for over a decade and got my vital energy and control back and discovered along the way that I have the ability to transmute other people’s pain instead of taking it on myself. I love showing people how powerful they are and that they do have the ability to get back in the driver’s seat and create a life they love.”

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