Mystery Scoop

The Mystery Scoop bucket contains over a 100 varieties of gems, minerals, jewelry, charms and trinkets you can possibly take home with you. First choose and pay for the size scoop you wish to use to uncover the hidden treasures within the sand. Small scoop cost $10Large scoop cost $25 Dig into the sand with the scoop, sift […]

Medicine Wheel Crystal Grid

In Native American Spirituality, the Medicine Wheel represents harmony andconnections and is considered a major symbol of peaceful interaction among all livingbeings on Earth. As you sit in the center of this Medicine wheel, there are several concepts broughttogether. First is the basis of the medicine wheel – the 4 directions- South for Courage, East […]

Copper Pyramid

Meditate in a 4-Foot-Tall Copper PyramidMeditating in a Copper Pyramid can:  ACTS AS ANTENNA FOR COLLECTING COSMIC ENERGY HELPS YOU GET INTO A FASTER MEDITATIVE STATE HELPS UNBLOCKING PINEAL GLAND BALANCES ENERGY CENTERS COPPER PYRAMIDS CREATE NEGATIVE IONS Why is the shape so important?The Pyramidal shape acts as a beacon, a transceiver for energy. The […]